Purchasing conditions

For our –also future –orders and contracts exclusively the following conditions of purchase are decisive. Any change to these terms and conditions require written confirmation from us to be effective. Contrary terms and conditions are hereby expressly contradicted. They are not recognized even if we do not contradict them again after receipt by us. The supplier acknowledges the solve validity of our conditions of purchase with the acceptance, latest with the execution of the order, even if it refers to its own conditions. The acceptance of deliveries and services or their payment does not constitute acceptance of the terms and conditions of the supplier.

I. Offers

Offers of the supplier are binding for us and free of charge. Orders are only valid if they are made in writing or confirmed by us in writing. Verbal and telephone agreements require our written confirmation to be valid. Each order is to be confirmed immediately with indication of the binding delivery time. All documents, samples, models and drawing made available to us in connection with an order and inquiries remain our property. They must be carefully kept and treated by him and must not be made available to third parties or used for their own purposes. After completion of our order, these documents must be returned to us free of charge.

II. Prices

The agreed prices are fixed and include all additional costs. They apply to the receiving station. Changes due to subsequent increases in any costs, taxes etc. are excluded.

III. Delivery

The agreed delivery dates are binding and must absolutely be adhered to. In particular, the reservation of timely self-supply is excluded. If the deadline is exceeded, we will give the supplier an adequate period of grace. If he does not deliver with the set grace period, we are entitled either to withdraw from the contract or to claim damages for non-performance. This does not affect our claim to payment of an agreed contractual penalty. If we claim damages for non-fulfillment, the agreed contractual penalty pursuant to §§341 (2), 340 (1) BGB shall be conducted. If, as result of force majeure, the supplier is unable to meet a delivery date, he must inform us immediately after having grained knowledge of the impediment. In this case, we are entitled either to postpone the acceptance period or, if our interest in the delivery is substantially reduced, to withdraw wholly or in part from the contract. The supplier cannot derive any claims from this. In particular, the supplier is not entitled, in case of force majeure etc. at its sole discretion withdraw from the contract or make price increases.

IV. Shipping

Delivery is free place of use. All transport costs including packaging, insurance etc. shall be borne by the supplier. The risk passes to us upon receipt of the goods. For every consignment, a dispatch note on the day of shipment has to be send to us, stating the day of shipment, our order number, exact number of pieces, description of the items and the individual weight or dimensions. Each consignment must be accompanied by a delivery note. All rail shipments are to be directed to destination. The supplier is liable for all damages, costs, penalties, etc. arising from the non-observance of this provision. Partial deliveries are only permitted by written agreement; otherwise we can refuse the acceptance. In any case, partial deliveries are not regarded as independent transactions and must be marked in writing.

V. Warranty

The warranty period for the absence of defects of the delivery and the presence of guaranteed properties is 24 months from receipt of the goods by us. Obvious defects will be reported to us immediately after receipt of the goods. If there is a defect at a later date, we will reprimand it immediately after its discovery. The notice period is respected if we submit the complaint at the latest within two weeks after receipt of the goods or after discovery of the defect.

VI. General liability regulation

The supplier exempts us from all claims of third parties, which assert these against us due to poor performance of the supplier.

VII. Conveyancing

The supplier is obligated to transfer unconditional ownership of the delivered goods to us at the latest upon delivery. The supplier has to transfer the delivered goods free of third party rights. We do not recognize a prolonged or forwarded retention of title by the supplier. Assignments and pledges of claims against us are only permissible if the assignee or seizure creditor exempts us from double claim in case of erroneous payment to the previous creditor on the basis of an express written agreement.

VIII. Property rights of third parties, public law standards

The supplier is liable for the fact that the goods, samples, brands which are supplied by him, are free from third party rights of any kind and third party property rights, in particular patents, are not violated. He is also liable for ensuring that the delivered goods comply with all legal requirements. The supplier shall indemnify us against all claims for damages by third parties in the event of infringement of private rights or public law.

IX. Invoicing

Invoices and monthly invoices are to be submitted by e-mail after delivery.

X. Place of Performance and Jurisdiction

Place of fulfillment is Leuna. Jurisdiction is Merseburg/ Halle (Saale)

XI. Applicable law

For supply agreement the law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies. The Incoterms in their current version apply.

XII. Data Protection

We collect, store and process data from our business relationships with suppliers in compliance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR).

Code of Conduct for suppliers

The ADDINOL Lube Oil GmbH takes responsibility for the implementation of ethical, social and ecological standards in the company. Furthermore, we strive to optimize our products and our entrepreneurial actions in the sense of sustainability. We expect the same from all our suppliers as well as from the entire supply chain.

The principles of this Code of Conduct are an integral part of supplier selection and evaluation. The parties to the contract undertake to comply with the principles and requirements of this Code of Conduct. If a supplier violates these principles, it is ADDINOL's discretion to terminate the business relationship, including all associated supply contracts.

I. Ethical business behaviour (OECD Guidelines, BSCI, Global Compact)

  • Fair competition, compliance with national/international competition law
  • Loyalty and balancing of interests based on partnership - avoiding conflicts of interest
  • Compliance with national and international trade laws and regulations, in particular the rules of antitrust law, export controls and economic sanctions
  • Confidentiality and data protection
  • Financial responsibility
  • Safeguarding intellectual property rights
  • Rejection and exclusion of all forms of manipulation, bribery and corrupt behaviour
  • Ethical recruitment

II. Social responsibility (BSCI, ILO)

  • Compliance with social standards
  • Fair wages and social benefits
  • Ensuring healthy working conditions (occupational health and safety)
  • Fair working hours
  • Exclusion of forced labour, slave labour, child labour or comparable work
  • Respect for human rights
  • Freedom of association and collective bargaining, acceptance of employees' rights of association
  • Prohibition of discrimination - no discrimination based on gender, race, caste, skin colour, disability, political conviction, origin, religion, age, pregnancy or sexual orientation. The personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual are respected.
  • Women's rights
  • Diversity, equality and inclusion
  • Rights of minorities and indigenous peoples
  • Grievance mechanisms - whistleblowing and protection from retaliation
  • Dealing with conflict minerals

III. Environmental responsibility (EMAS Regulation (No. 1221/2009) and ISO 14001:2015)

  • Compliance with all applicable environmental, health and safety regulations
  • Identification, assessment and minimisation of emergency situations, training
  • Sustainable ecologically orientated action, for example sustainable resource management and reduction of resources and waste
  • Treatment and discharge of industrial waste water
  • Responsible handling of water quality and consumption
  • Reducing greenhouse emissions, decarbonisation
  • Increasing energy efficiency and utilising renewable energies
  • Dealing with air emissions
  • Responsible chemicals management
  • Promoting the development and manufacture of environmentally friendly products throughout their entire life cycle