Application area
High ash productsApplication type
Gas engine oilsViscosity class
Specifications / Approvals
2G Energy AG patruus series (bio gas), Caterpillar CG 132, CG 170, CG 260-TR 0199-99-12105 SuA 0.6-1.0 wt%, INNIO Jenbacher TA 1000-1109 Series 3: fuel class B and C, INNIO Jenbacher TA 1000-1109 Series 2: fuel class B and C, Mamotec TR 20-03 SuA 0,5-1,0 Gew.%, MAN M 3271-4 (Sondergas/special gases), MTU Onsite Energy BR 4000 L62 FB (Bio- und Sondergas / bio gas and special gas), MTU Onsite Energy BR 400 (Bio- und Sondergas / bio gas and special gas), MWM (Deutz Power Systems) TR 0199-99-2105 SuA 0.6-1.0 wt%, Tedom 61-0-0281.1 (L, B, S), Tedom 61-0-0257
Product description
ADDINOL Gas Engine Oil MG 40-Extra Plus is a high-performance engine oil developed on the basis of new additive technologies orientated towards the application and its requirements as well as high quality mineral oil raffinates.
The application of special gases leads to severe operating conditions. The chemistry of ADDINOL Gas Engine Oil MG 40-Extra Plus offers an outstanding and complete protection.
• Excellent suitability for the application in modern turbo-powered gas engines operated with special gas in all performance ranges
• Outstanding applicability for combined heat and power plants operated with landfill gas, sewage gas or mine gas
• Excellent ageing stability
• Outstanding wear protection
• Thermal stability
• Highest engine cleanliness
• Good neutralisation ability
• Reliable lubrication under all operating conditions
• Long lifetime of the engine
• Stable oil film, also at higher temperatures
• Maximum engine performance
• Good protection against corrosive wear
Effective oil operating times for every combined heat and power plant operator by the help of ADDINOL matrix