Application area
Industrial gearsApplication type
Anti-corrosion oilsViscosity class
Specifications / Approvals
AGMA 9005-E02, DIN 51517-3 (CLP), DIN 51519, DIN ISO 3448, ISO 12925-1 (CKC)
Product description
ADDINOL ADDICOR 320 is a mineral-oil based anti-corrosion protection fluid for increased protection against corrosion on ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This excel by its wetting and adhesive properties on metallic surfaces as well as by its anti-wear protection, load-carrying capacity and high efficient anti-corrosion additives.
- Excellent suitability for the filling of gear boxes before storage.
- Lubrication of all kinds of closed industrial gear boxes and simple hydraulic systems.
- Temporarily suited for lubrication of sliding and roller bearings, joints and guideways.
- Ensure complete wetting of the surface to be protected by temporarily start-up of the aggregate.
- Applicable by splash or forced-feed lubrication.
- Operating temperatures:
- For application and operating from -5°C up to +80°C
- For protected stored aggregates up to +80°C
- Excellent scuffing load capacity and very good protection against wear, especially in the area of mixed friction
- Film-forming corrosion protection for closed gear boxes, protection of steel surfaces as well as non-ferrous metal components
- Neutral behaviour also if present in high-performance gear oils up to 5 %
- Zinc, ash and silicone free, free of heavy metals and solid lubricants
- High ageing stability
- Excellent protection at temporarily operations
- Storage up to 24 months
- Storage up to 12 months, also under unavoidable conditions like no airtight storage and oscillating temperatures
- Highest compatibility and efficient maintenance
- Low tendency to foaming and very good air and water separation ability
- Low residue
- Neutral behaviour to sealing materials and varnishes
- High oil life-time