
Bidon 1.5 litres

Domaine d'utilisation

Graisses pour applications à haute température

Type d'utilisation

Graisses / pâtes

Classement de viscosité

Spécifications / homologations constructeurs

Description du produit

ADDIFLON PFPE SOLVENT is a special synthetic, fluorinated solvent for cleaning and degreasing of bearings and machine parts lubricated by PFPE-based greases.The product is odorless, free of ozone depletion potential (ODP = 0), free of chlorine and nonflammable.


  • Suited for cleaning of glass, plastics and metal made parts.
  • Very suitable for residue-free removal of fluorinated lubricants.
  • After application, the product evaporates and leaves dry surfaces.


  • Optimized composition
  • Odourless, chlorine-free, non-flammable, non-toxic


  • Quick and reliable cleaning
  • No additional protection measures necessary
  • No health hazards

ADDINOL Fiches techniques de produit

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Fiches de données de sécurité

717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_A-de.pdf 111 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_B-fr.pdf 111 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_B-nl.pdf 110 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_BG-bg.pdf 151 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_CH-de.pdf 111 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_CH-fr.pdf 111 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_CH-it.pdf 106 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_CZ-cs.pdf 137 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_D-de.pdf 112 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_DK-da.pdf 111 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_E-es.pdf 108 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_EST-et.pdf 106 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_F-fr.pdf 110 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_FIN-fi.pdf 107 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_GB-en.pdf 109 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_GR-el.pdf 149 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_H-hu.pdf 134 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_HR-hr.pdf 130 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_I-it.pdf 107 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_IRL-en.pdf 109 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_LT-lt.pdf 135 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_LV-lv.pdf 133 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_N-no.pdf 110 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_NL-nl.pdf 110 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_P-pt.pdf 109 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_PL-pl.pdf 141 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_RO-ro.pdf 134 KB3.04.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_RUS-ru.pdf 155 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_S-sv.pdf 110 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_SK-sk.pdf 137 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_SLO-sl.pdf 123 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_TR-tr.pdf 136 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_IS-is.pdf 111 KB10.01.2024
717233_ADDIFLON PFPE Solvent_UA-uk.pdf 152 KB10.01.2024