Application area
Commercial cars, stationary plantsLow ash products
Marine and railroad
Application type
Engine oilsGas engine oils
Viscosity class
Specifications / Approvals
Product description
ADDINOL Eco Gas 500 XD is a high-performance gas engine oil of the latest generation, specially developed on the basis of the latest application-oriented additive technologies and a powerful, high-quality semi-synthetic base oil combination.
The operation with natural and special gases means particularly extreme thermal loads to all components in current engine generations of the OEMs. The novel formulation of ADDINOL Eco Gas 4000 XD provides an outstanding all-round protection especially under these conditions. The low depositing tendency allows an outstanding engine cleanliness, also at high temperatures, as well as a significant oil change interval extension by its longlife characteristics.
• Excellent suitability for the application in modern turbo-charged gas engines operated with natural and special gas in all performance ranges
• Use for modern plants which place special demands on the thermal stability of the oil used to increase thermal efficiency
• Reliable application under thermally heavy loaded operating conditions (e.g. steel piston technology)
• Preferred use in engines which demand low ash engine oils
• Excellent ageing stability
• Outstanding thermal stability
• Reliable protection of all components against wear
• Highest engine cleanliness
• Low ash performance
• Reliable lubrication under all operating conditions
• Use to maximize thermal efficiency
• Stable oil film, also at extreme temperature loads
• Oil change intervals above average
• Optimum engine lifetime
• Reduced maintenance effort
• Maximum engine performance
• Best protection of catalytic converter systems for long lifetimes