Certified according to DIN EN ISO 21469 : 2006

The consumer´s safety comes first!

The internationally valid DIN standard 21469 goes beyond the previous ordinances and regulations for the production of foodstuffs. It covers the entire life cycle of the lubricant from formulation and manufacture to application. In contrast to NSF H1 registration, in which the ingredients and formulation of a food lubricant are checked, DIN certification monitors the manufacture, handling, packaging and storage of the lubricant.

Thus the food grade lubricants at ADDINOL will be subjected to further comprehensive testing and the existing hygiene requirements in the production process will be documented on the basis of the internationally valid standard.

Learn more about the entire product range of ADDINOL lubricants for the food and beverage industry: ADDINOL FoodProof – guaranteed crisis-free!

published: 19.03.2019


Jana Dudda

Jana Dudda


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